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Resistance Band Workout For Men

Resistance Band Workout For Men

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Resistance band workout for men

No doubt free weights are great, and most people who lift weights will flaunt it as the best mass builder, but resistance bands cannot be pushed aside. They are considered one of the best, convenient and most versatile exercise devices out in the market.

Most fitness centers are equipped with resistance bands of various sizes, and most people often use it warm up before lifting a weight. However, people use them for real exercises, and they are efficient, helpful and easy to use. Resistance bands are very portable, and you can travel anywhere with them.

Think of any exercise you can do using free-weights and bet you can as well do it using a resistance band. They are always not given the recognition they deserve for body-building because physical therapists habitually use them as a tool for rehabilitation.

You must be wondering if resistance bands can build muscle at all, the truth is they do and are efficient because your muscle works against an opposing force and grow as a result.

There are numerous resistance band workouts for men but we will go over 1 workout here with 8 different exercises. You will get to know how to do it yourself as well as the benefits of doing it.

buy resistance bands for home workout


Choose the best resistance band to fit your needs!

  1. Oblique Twists

Make sure your two arms are straight and with them hold the resistance band in front of your chest while you stand such that the legs are wider than the hips in a parallel position.

Beginning the movement from the waist, start to twist from one side to the other and as you do, squeeze the belly, working either side of the abdominal wall.

Repeat the process for 20 to 30 reps.

Resistance Band Oblique Twists

  1. Triceps kickbacks

Stand with your legs hip-width apart in a parallel position. Stand on the center of the resistance band and while you keep your arms close to the body, double up the ends of the band around each wrist. Squeeze the shoulder blades and just as you would in a dumbbell kick back, start to squeeze the arms back using the resistance band. Squeeze from the top of the arm.

Slowly repeat this routine for quickly for 20 to 30 reps.

Resistance Bands Triceps Kickbacks

  1. Overhead shoulder presses and legs lunges

Stand in a position such that you place one foot in front of the other and so that you are standing in a lunge position, bend both knees at 90 degrees. Draw the band overhead as you hold the resistance band with your two arms straight.

Keep the knees over the toes, the legs parallel and the abdominal engaged and start to bend and stretch the legs. As you lunge, start to move the arms down and up as if though you are doing a shoulder press.

Bend the knees down and draw the arms down at the same time, sequence the knee bends and the shoulder presses together.

On the same leg repeat this workout for 20 to 30 reps before switching to the other leg.

Resistance Band Overhead Shoulder Press and Leg Lunges

  1. Bicep Curls

Stand with your legs hip-width apart in a parallel position. Stand on the center of the resistance band and while you keep your arms close to the body, double up the ends of the band around each wrist.

While you keep the arms close to the body, start to lift and lower the band up and down slowly. Squeeze the biceps as you curl the arms up.

Repeat this for 20-30 reps.

Resistance Bands Biceps Curls


  1. Squats

With the legs parallel, stand in a squat position and bend the knees over the toes, then bring the glutes down to knee level. To create extra resistance double up your band holding each end with your two straight arms at chest level.

Bend and stretch the knees down twice and up twice to begin to pulse the leg. While you find a steady rhyme and keeping your abdominals engaged and your arms strong, begin to raise the band up overhead and bring down to chest level. Don’t forget always to keep the knees bent and the arms at shoulder level.

Repeat for 20-30 reps.

Resistance Bands Squats

  1. Abdominal Curl

With your two arms straight, hold the resistance band at chest height while you sit in the center of the mat. Curl the body down slowly such that you feel the abs engage and spine making a C curve to form the position.

Curl the body slowly an inch up and an inch down while you exhale as the body curls up and inhales as the body curls down. Like you wring out water from a towel consider wringing out the waistline.

In each position, repeat the workout 20 to 30 reps to work the abdominals as you sculpt and tone the shoulders and the arms.

Resistance Bands Abdominal Curl

  1. Bent Over Row

Place the resistance band under your feet and stand on it and so that the legs are wider than the hips, take a wide step out. Keep the knees bent so that it crosses in front of the legs. Hold the resistance band in any of your hand and bend at the waistline.

While in a bent over position, row the bands back while holding the band in either hand.

Repeat the routine for 20 to 30 reps.

Resistance Bands Bent Over Row

  1. Seated Row

Without getting too cozy, take a seat. Make sure you extend your legs, place the center of the band behind the soles of your feet. With the palms facing each other and arms extended, hold the band with both hands.

Sit tall and properly, bend at the elbow and pull the band toward your core as you squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Return to the starting position slowly and repeat it for 10 to 12 reps.

Resistance Band Seated Row



By following these workouts closely, you will find out that you can build your muscles with the resistance bands as much as you can by lifting free-weights. You can do all the workouts by yourself and so don’t need a trainer; it is that easy.

Resistance bands are so simple that you don’t injure yourself unlike with the weights lifting and you can heal your injuries using the bands which is why physical therapists often recommend it for rehabilitation.

Top Selling Resistance Bands of 2024

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