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5 Easy To Do Yet Highly Effective Resistance Band Exercises | Resistance Band X

5 Easy To Do Yet Highly Effective Resistance Band Exercises

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Resistance Band Training Exercises

Working out using resistance bands can benefit both men and women. Below you will find a list of 5 exercises that you can do to increase muscle tone, strength, and endurance.

1. Squats: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and the center of the resistance bands under your feet. Hold both of the handles with 1 in each hand and stretch it all the way up to your shoulders. Do a full squat down but do not move your hands. Stand back up and repeat until you do your intended repetitions.


2. Bent over Rows: Place the bands under your feet. You can place it under 1 foot or both feet to add more resistance. Bend forward until you are at about a 45-degree angle and then pull the band up to your waist. Keep your elbows tucked in and continue to use a rowing motion. Remember to squeeze both shoulders while you are rowing.

3. Horizontal Chest Press: Lay with your back on the band and grab both handles with corresponding handles in each hand. Now press both hands up to the ceiling then slowly bring your elbows back towards the ground. Repeat until you have done the intended repetitions.


4. Biceps Curl: Stand on the band. Again, you can stand on the band with both feet to increase resistance but you may also just stand on it with 1 foot. Slowly curl your hands up to your shoulders just the same as if you were doing it with dumbbells. Ensure that you keep your elbows bent backwards but keep them stable. Hold the position at the upper portion then slowing lower your hands back down to the starting position. Repeat until you do the intended repetitions.

5. Vertical Chest Press: Wrap the band around a stationary item such as a pole, or use a door anchor. Put your back to the door and grab the band handles with both hands. Extend your hands outwards until you fully extend and do a complete chest press. Bring your hands back to the starting position and repeat until you do intended repetitions.

All of these exercises are beneficial if you want to increase your stamina and lose weight at the same time. All of these exercises have shown positive results to those who have tried it and it will surely do the same for you. Look around the site as we have a lot more information for your resistance band training.We hope you achieve your fitness goals.

Learn about the benefits of resistance bands.

Top Selling Resistance Bands of 2024

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